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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » March Madness 2020 RP Board
Chapter 3: Inner Demons
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Chris Page Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

03-27-2020, 01:09 PM

” Take a look at Main, the guy can drink ya under the table, but one toke he hits the floor like a sack of bricks.”

Barker watched as Page began staring off in the distance, an empty stare fell upon his face. Page resisted trying diligently shaking his head numerous times to no avail pessimistically fighting off a nauseous feeling deep inside his stomach.

” Chris? Chris, are you alright? You’re not looking very well.”

Page smiles falling to one knee. The furious fever came at a blistering speed, appropriating Chris of his brawn. He began to shudder like leaves on a brisk fall morning, be then became pasty, the transformation couldn't have been any more barbaric. The sickness exhibited no sign of fluctuating, there was not one solitary indicator this would lift into a gentler form, as the chills hit him like a sledgehammer on his back knocking the wind from his charred lungs. Each nanosecond that pasted the strain intensified. Page reached out to catch himself as his hands trembled with uncertain caution. For the first time in “Chronic” Chris Page’s life, he understood just how vulnerable he truly was.

” I’m… Oh, shit.”

Page faceplants the floor lying face down next to Robert, now with a one-way ticket to trip town.

” Well this was a horrible idea. These two are going to be the death of me. Dealing with Page all these years now Main. Ugh.”

Barker eyes his Rolex noting the time before unfolding a steel chair taking a seat. The only thing he can do is watch on as Cataclysm lay unconscious on the locker room floor. Adam shrugs.

” All I can do is wait.”

Our scene fades in as Chris Page is shown on a grassy hill. The lush green hill has but one large massive oak tree with branches so large and overhanging the shade it produces is enough for Chris as he’s stretched out on with his back against the trunk of the tree. Off in the distance, we see green and red gummy bears frolicking across a filled with lollypops as a Pina Colada seemingly floats down from the heavens above in oversized pineapple. Chris reaches out and grabs it with both hands before taking a long sip from a red straw before he spits it out and looks at the pineapple with disgust.

” Even in a trip my straw is FUCKING cardboard!”

Chris removes the straw and tosses it towards the ground only to see the ground open and eat the straw before burping. Chris takes a drink from the pineapple when suddenly his attention shifts towards the skies as what was once lit up suddenly goes pitch dark and the grassy hillside suddenly disappears, and Chris finds himself in a circle of fire. The immense heat coming off the flames is enough to cause beads of sweat to form on Chris’s brow before starting to trickle down the sides of his face.

” What the fuck!”

The flames shoot as high up as the eye can see and the intensity of the flames only increase with each passing second. Chris looks down at his hands to see blisters starting to form in his palms before turning them over and seeing more blisters popping up on the back of his hands before slowly making their way up to his arms. The pain takes over a portion of my brain as if dealing with it is energy expenditure enough, without the effort of new thoughts. Page screams.

” Ahhhhhhhhhh. Make it stop.”

The excruciating pain has a displeasing friendliness to it, chewing away at Chris’s moxie. The boldness that Page used as his armor was no longer there. The grit melted away as the searing torment continued. Nausea then reared its grotesque head, just enough to make Page clasp the ground to support himself and breath sluggishly. The tenacity Chris Page held vanished before his eyes, a man that once cherished the fact that he could whitewash suffering, continuing regardless, could no longer do so. It owns him, controlling his incapacitated mind, commandeering every thought, commanding his every action. Everything around his body throbs his internal organs boiling with every breath. Everything feels scolded to the bone. He’s in more misery than he could have ever imagined. For a millisecond he believed a bullet would be compassion.


A mysterious voice answers Chris.

” I told you that you’d be mine.”

Page tries raising his head only to have a boot force his face to the charred Earth.

” Did I say you could move? Look at you, an inadequate disappointment. It’s no wonder you’ve never amounted to anything more than second best. You come off as this unsympathetic, hardheaded tough guy. Yet you camouflage yourself underneath all that bravado, it’s quite a sight to see. News flash, they don’t hand out championships for acts, by now one would have assumed you’d have figured that out.”

Page feels the boot removed from his head leering upward bewildered.

[Image: wOUWLf1.png]

" What's a matter chump? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Page clutches the ankle of his doppelganger trying to pull himself up.

" Look at the rebellious “Chronic” Chris Page. Let me help you up.”

Page’s evil twin takes possession of Chris’s throat lifting him off the ground. Page gasps for air trying effortlessly to break the hold to no avail.

" Now that I have your undivided attention you're going to make a choice. You can continue down this gutless path or you can grow a set and become a champion.”

As Page began to fade away, he took one final gasp opening his eyes now standing in the middle of a funeral parlor. He noticed he was now wearing a pinstriped suit. Everyone's heads were bowed yet there wasn’t a solitary sound. Page pondered for a second thinking maybe it was them showing respect or maybe there were all too intimidated to look at what was coming for each one of them. The coffin was darkly stained an elegant shade of cherry and perfectly polished. From a distance Page could see that it had a cushioned and eggshell lining. It felt inviting. He made is way forward as the silence dwelled with a heavy tone in the air around him. With each shaky step forward, he watched as the guest stayed still not moving a muscle. He stopped in front of the coffin seeing nothing more than a mask on a pillow. Chris feels the crowd behind him slowly shift raising their heads now pointing in the direction of the coffin.

[Image: Us7lTnS.png]

” What the hell is this?”

” For years I’ve been that little voice you hear, each time you’ve botched a defining moment in your career. All along I’ve been the one who has counselled you. I refuse to watch from the inside locked away like a stepchild and allow you to ruin what little time you have left in this business. Your time is running out and you know it. Each second you hesitate is another second that you could have been on the top where you belong. Now you make the choice to let the monster out of the cage or continue and be forgotten. I will build the legacy you’ve always yearned for, all you must do is let me take control. Dawn the mask Chris.”

[Image: mjbxnJw.jpg]

” Wait… What are they doing? That’s gasoline… No..”

” You know what’s next. Do it! Or pilfer away what little you have left.”

Page’s doppelganger snapped his fingers as a tiny spark ignited the gas. At first, the flame traveled along the floor, but soon was burning with a lioness roar, the blue flames giving a balanced heat. There was something calming about watching them as if years of homely memories condensed into that hypnotic moment.

[Image: giphy.gif]

” You hesitated, now their burning flesh is on your hands.”

Page’s hands were shaking so badly, the only thing he could do is watch as his own pale hands, now covered in vermillion. The color burned into his mine as a sickness began to crawl inside of him as he reached into the coffin for the mask. Page pauses for a moment before dawning the mask.

[Image: giphy.gif]


Words from the Stoned One:

I’m so fucking ready to tie a bow on the façade that the Sick Cunts are worth any real-time or energy as we’re on the verge of March Madness and Nicole didn’t even bother to show enough fucking balls to cut a promo. Nicole is scared and she’s got every right to be because she’s walking into a situation where daddy isn’t going to be around to lend a helping hand. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again that you aren’t shit without Fuzz and the ONE show you needed to step to the plate and show you belong in the conversation… you shit the bed, and in the process just owned that you are everything I’ve said you are in the terms of being an overrated secondary talent that’s the main purpose is to make the REAL stars look good!

I’m kind of disappointed in you Nicole.

I was pulling for you to make me eat my words because the XWF is in serious need of a youth movement that you could have spearheaded.

… then you choked.

I guess you do share the same genes as Fuzz after all because you’re both pathetic fucking losers.

Speaking of Fuzz… speaking of that cocksucker I’m sure you’ve all heard the news that he’s “announced” his retirement from the game effective March Madness… and you’re a fool if you believe it. Fuzz and I go way the fuck back and the one thing he’s never done is walked out when on a fucking roll. Let’s call a spade a spade, one might say that 2019 Fuzz was the legit face that ran the place, he’s a double champion and a guaranteed briefcase in his camp and you seriously think he’s leaving it all on the table? Fuck no. Fuzz knows how to manipulate the game like a true master and will try to lead you down a false path over here while he’s working on his endgame over there. I have a very good idea at what I think is going on and I refuse to buy into your bullshit. What’s great for me is if this happens to be legit, you’ll be going out LOSING to the one man whose name you can’t KEEP out of your mouth… Chris Page. I find nothing but sheer humor that you refuse to take me seriously after all these years, but it’s not your job. It’s your job to downplay me and downplay the true level off fear and panic that flows through you just like it does with anyone else that see’s their name opposite mine on a fucking run sheet because you know that this isn’t going to be a walk in the park in any sense of the word.

I’m more than a handful to deal with on my own but when you factor Robert in the mix, we’ve just taken this threat to a completely different level. I’m not the one to sit here and continuously point the finger of just how fucked you and your daughter are when it comes to successfully defending those straps at March Madness because by now the reality has set in that your own flesh and blood failed you and your entire bloodline by being a pussy. So, let me tell you how this is going to play out regardless of your retirement plans are a work or they aren’t, okay. It ends with me finally slapping the shit out of you and your legacy for no other reason than because I can’t and you’re not capable of stopping me. I’m glad that The Sick Cunts want to think this is all fun and games because the real fun and games begin when that bell sounds, well fun and games for Cataclysm and more like a living nightmare for The Sick Cunts. We are going to dismantle you both and are going to be responsible for each of you leaving March Madness with zero belts.

There’s an age-old saying that has never been more relevant then it is right now.

He who laughs last will laugh the loudest.

The underestimation from the Sick Cunts to Cataclysm is just one of the reasons that you’re both about to fall; it’s second behind your lack of talent. I mean, I’ve wanted to shut some fuckers up in my day, but I’ve never wanted to shut up anyone more than I do Fuzz. He’s Shane level annoying and is about to be exposed for selling himself on a legacy over the last year that equates to being the smartest kid with down syndrome when you look at who he’s been in the ring with. There’s a reason you’ve stood on the sidelines and pointed at the Main Event scene as opposed to stepping in and, I don’t know, doing something about to make things interesting. Nah, we can’t do that. The guy literally tried to slam me for being repetitive when he LITERALLY repeated his first round of petty insults, which let’s face it, I’ve heard better shit from Peter Gilmour that you threw at me sunshine! Your day of reckoning is going to come so both you and Nicole had better start thinking long and hard about what best excuse you’re going to be able to muster up for being exposed for the flash in the pan Tag Team Champions that you’re GOING to become.

While this is certainly all a formality, I’d like to take the opportunity to address the state of the XWF Tag Team Division.

It’s been far too long since the division had credible champions. 5’6 Mafia didn’t do shit with the straps.

The Sick Cunts haven’t done shit with the straps.

Robert and I refuse to be champions that aren’t defending their titles because proving you’re the best is defending them against any and all comers… not dodging them like the coronavirus.

This goes out to anyone within earshot because once we stake claim to those belts it’s an open fucking season and if you think you got what it takes to grace the ring with two legends like Main and myself then, by all means, all you got to do is put pen to goddamn paper and we can it a thang. We are not going to be anything less than the fucking best until a team that comes along and takes that right away from us, that team is NOT The Sick Cunts. We’ve laid the trail of breadcrumbs and you’ve followed them every step of the way, we’ve allowed you to think you controlled the narrative when we controlled it all along. This is a fight you desperately wanted to coward away from whilst trying to look hip and cool in the process but you’re about to find out that you’ve brought a couple a knife to a mother fucking gunfight. The only question that remains unanswered is just who are the next victims?

One might say it’s a little premature to claim victory… much like Babe Ruth stood at the plate and point out to the fence, he called his shot. We are calling ours.

Think this is a game?

Might I suggest you all pay very close attention to how we pick the meat from the bones of two so-called “top talents”.

We aren’t playing any games. We’re playing for blood, we’re playing for keeps and we’re playing to strip away the XWF World Tag Team Championships from the most undeserving cowards to ever grace the division. Yeah, they’ll openly get involved in beating a couple of bitches for some straps that weren’t relevant just to keep them not relevant and use them as a prop for their egos. Shit, I give Engineer shit for being relegated to the Robbie Bourbon’s of the world but at least the fucker is trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit unlike either of the Sick Cunts.

We’re doing you all a favor.

You’re welcome.

- 2019 Heel of the Year
- 2019 Locker Room Leader of the Year
- 2019 Feud of the Year w. Robert Main (you’re welcome)
- Former
[Image: OW3ycxe.png]
[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
Robert "The Omega" Main
[Image: OZdvB4F.png]
XWF World Heavyweight Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-20-2020), Nathaniel Idenhaus (05-16-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (03-27-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (03-28-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (03-27-2020)

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