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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » Leap of Faith 2020 PPV
Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face
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Gage Gannon Offline
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-14-2020, 01:20 PM

“That BOY is in over his head at Leap of Faith…..”

Gage is shown sitting in a restaurant, sipping on a glass of wine, as he overhears two very enthusiastic drunk XWF Fans talking about the match. As it just so happens a promo for the Leap of Faith match appears on the screen and the guys get rowdy with excitement.

“Could you imagine it Jasper? A coon winning the 24/7 briefcase? I don’t believe that the XWF would let a coon win the match, besides the only match that he would probably win is a Watermelon eating contest…”

“Horace, bah God I tell you, you are on to something right there. This porch monkey is going to get his ass handed to him. I mean think about it. We have Chris Page, Sarah Lacklan, Ruby, Greggo, and Geri Miller in the match. Five superior athletes, and this kook Gage Gannon. I am personally rooting for him to get his ass kicked!”

“I say Jasper you are about as funny as a woodchuck playing the Harmonica.”

At this point Gage has heard all of the yacking between the two men and at this point it is getting on his nerves. Gage steadies himself as he motions to the waitress to bring him two beers. Gage grabs the beers and notice that the men have been joined at the table by a beautiful woman.

“Excuse me Gentlemen…..I hope you don’t mind, but I was just sitting at the bar and couldn’t help but notice that you fine gentlemen were talking about the Leap of Faith match….”

The men recoil in their seats as they just look Gage up and down with contempt.

“Listen we don’t know who you are fella, but unless you want a damaged jaw I suggest you get the hell away from us.”

Gage just smiles his ornery smile as he winks at the young woman who blushes and looks away….

“Hey HEY BOY don’t you wink at Peggy Sue like that, you get out of here we don’t want an………”

Just like a bolt of lightning Jasper squinches his eyes as he realizes that he his talking to Gage Gannon….

“Well I will be Horace, look at what we have here!!!! Why if it isn’t the kook himself Gage Gannon.”

Both men start to laugh as Gage tries to maintain his composure from getting angry. At this point Gage’s security guards have come in and Gage motions for his hands to hold them off…..

“Look Gentlemen I didn’t mean to bother you, but I was hoping that maybe I could offer you gentlemen some beer?”

The men look at Gage and take the beers out of his hand as Gage has a seat next to them…..

“You’ll have to forgive me I was sitting at the bar and I couldn’t help but noticed that you……well ha ha you had some very strong opinions about the Leap of Faith Rafter match….”

Horace and Jasper look at each other as Peggy Sue slouches in her seat knowing what is about to happen next.

“Uh….see here BOY, I said what I said. I don’t thnk that a Watermelon Spitting Mooncricket like you is going to walk out of that match let alone win it…… They surely wouldn’t give somebody… you…an opportunity to win the match.”

“And why is that? Let me guess you are what they call smart fans right? You really think that I don’t have a chance to win this match, because I’m black….”


Gage can barely contain his smirk as he just looks up and down at the two rednecks….

“Well if you ask me, I think the only thing superior about you two is this fine white pumpkin pie that is sitting in front of me…”

Gage looks at Peggy Sue again and begins to wink at her. Jasper looks at Gage with contempt at how he is looking at his woman….


Gage holds his ground as his security team inch’s closer…..

“It’s obviously you boys took a night off from wearing your sheets, but you both are so oblivious. This white woman hasn’t taken her eyes off of me since I walked into the bar. She may play like she doesn’t want me, but that’s only because she’s afraid that you and your redneck hillbilly of a gus are going to beat her when she goes home…..”


Gage just calmly sits back as he just plays the situation cooly…

“I couldn’t help myself, I wanted to give you one last moment with your girl here before she leaves you for good and discovers why the saying “Once You Go Black” is true…."


“NOW HOLD ON A MINUTE JASPER! Clearly Mr. Gannon, or “Mr. Mecca” or whatever he calls himself is sincerely pulling one over on us am I right sir…..”

“Oh no, I’m dead serious. See I am just one of a million men that can take your women anytime that we want too. See there is nothing superior about you at all, and I was going to ignore your little mini Klan gathering before you decided to….well blatantly call me every racist word in the book but the one that you want to call me…….so why don’t we all just get this out of the way right now before I beat both your asses…

At this point Jasper and Horace stand up thinking that they are intimidating Gage…..

“Fine you ni……”

“No No!!! Wait Horace, don’t give him what he wants…..he wants us to sink to his level.”

“Your right Jasper I say we teach “Mr.Mecca” here a lesson in showing him how the order of things go around here….”

Gage just sits calmly laughing, as he snaps his fingers and his security team jumps in front of him and Jasper and Horace stop dead in their tracks……..
Gage winks at Peggy Sue and sticks his hand out as she grabs his hand and he goes in and kisses her…..


All of a sudden Jasper lunges for Gage, but Gage’s security guard grabs him and chokes him out as he goes blue……..


Horace just stands there with fist trembling in anger as Jasper’s limp body falls to the ground…..


Gage just looks at Horace with mock shock, and advises his security team to spread out. Gage takes off his jacket and hands it to one of his security members as he sticks his cheek out and Peggy Sue kisses it. Gage undo’s the cusp of his sleeve as he rolls them up and puts his hands behind his back.

‘I’ll tell you what Horace, since I am a nice guy and sense you are supposedly superior to me why don’t you do me the honors of taking the first punch…”

“You don’t have to tell me twice you son of a bitch!”

Horace lunges at Gage as gage just moves out of the way and kicks Horace in the balls… Horace doubles over in pain as he is laid out on the ground and then Gage kicks him in the face. Peggy Sue looks on in shock at what just transpired as Gage redoes his cuff’s and puts his jacket back on.

“Do me a favor, take them to the spot, so that we can have some fun with our two klansmen buddies. I have some personal business to attend to right now…”

The security guards pick up the two limp bodies and proceed to exit the restaurant, with everybody in the restaurant in shock.


Gage takes out of his pockets, a wad of $1000 bills and hands them to the restaurant owner….

“This ought to do it, and hey why don’t you buy everybody a round on me.”

Gage takes Peggy Sue and exits the restaurant as the bodyguards have placed both Horace and Jasper in the trunk….

“What do you want us to do with them at the spot boss?”

“I’ll be there later….right now Peggy Sue is going to find out why her boyfriend has a Superiority Complex…”

Gage takes Peggy Sue to the back of his car and opens the door….



The scene cuts in to Gage sitting in his bed smoking a cigar and Peggy Sue rubbing his chest….

“I didn’t know it was…..oh my God……Jasper has never done anything like that to me before…..”

“OF course he hasn’t babygirl…..they don’t call me “The Mecca” for nothing.”

“What are you going to do to Jasper?”

“That depends…..”

Gage get’s up out of bed and begins to put his clothes on as Peggy Sue looks at him in shock….

“What do you mean it depends?”

“Your boys had some choice words to say about me, so all I am going to do is show them the error of their ways..”

“Are you going to kill them?”

Gage just looks at Peggy Sue and laughs as he clasps his watch around his wrist…

“No no not at all I am just going to write a wrong, that needs writing….. Now my assistant Carmen will be up here in a few moments, to make sure that you get home."

Don’t worry about leaving your number because you weren’t that good. I’ll make sure to forget you, just like you will have forgotten all about that small ass Jasper compared to me……and we will both go on to live our lives non the wiser. You will try to forget this encounter but won’t be able to, and you will be unfulfilled by Jasper, and I will have already had forgotten this encounter, by the next woman I meet tonight. Get it….Got it…..Good…..”

Peggy Sue looks on in disbelief as Gage puts his jacket on and exits and heads for his warehouse………


Gage is standing outside his warehouse as you can hear screams coming from inside it, and Gage is looking into his driver mirror adjusting his tie……

“Everybody has a plan, until they get punched in the face. My friend Mike Tyson told me that. You know I have faced a lot of…..different personalities, and no matter my opponent it’s always the little tiny……intricate details that I find fascinating. I’ve faced Wizards, I’ve faced a guy who wears a mask, and for some weird reason hates people calling him by his name. I’ve faced a guy bragging about holding the Xtreme Championship only to lose it in the amount of time it took him to list his very very short list of accolades. I’ve faced a guy obsessed with scrotums, I’ve faced a chick who was obsessed with another chick, and then I beat said……………..chick…..”

Gage just leans into his shoulder as he mouth’s what he just said to make sure that he said it right…..

“Anyways I’ve also faced men who were supposed to be hammers, and in all of their bragging in all of their braggadocios bravado they all had one thing in common. They all had a plan until they were punched in the face. Now look I’m not one to brag, but then again of course I am, but I can tell you about all the little plans that I have for this Leap of Faith match, but at the end of the day…….the job still has to get done.”

“See I’m going to quite literally be honest. I look at the names on this list and this list is a who’s who of upper tiered guys in the company……supposedly…….yet I don’t know any of these people…. Does that put me at a disadvantage? No, not really. Because the devil is in the details and for a match like this, you don’t have to overthink like I am sure my opponents are going to do. You just have to be the better man, and grab the briefcase.”

“Now what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object? Simply put Gage Gannon is born. See I said a long time ago, that it didn’t matter if you were at the top of the card, or if you were at the bottom I told you that you can take your respect and you can shove it. I meant every word that I said. See the problem is, is that every one of my opponents I am sure are looking at me the weak link. They are probably thinking that I am in over my head.”

“Here’s the problem……I haven’t been in over my head since I signed up for this company. I knew exactly what I was getting into. And you can go ahead and run around and you can say that “Gage Gannon is a nobody, hell I’m waiting to hear the “THIS IS MY DESTINY SPEAL.” The problem is that with destiny it can change in the blink of an eye. And make no mistake about it, this match will alter the destiny of each and every one of us.”

“You’ll have to forgive me if I am a little sure of myself but when that irresistible force, and immovable object known as my parents conceived me, they instilled in me the desire to be GREAT. They instilled in me a desire not to be complacent, hell they instilled in me a DESIRE TO BELIEVE THAT I AM THE VERY BEST, AND TO BE THE VERY BEST.”

“The problem is that there are a lot of people in this company who claim they are the very best, and I do mean a lot, that before I arrived you probably would of said sure they have a point. But then I got in and now all of a sudden this nobody is in a match to grab the 24/7 Briefcase, and rewrite the very destiny that I am sure that some of you idiots are going to claim.”

“See it’s not confusing, because we are all on the same level. We are all starting the match at the very bottom in the ring, and no matter what little plan that you have, you can’t account for the plan after the plan. See Plan A I guarantee you is not going to work with a guy like me. See you probably think that you have this match in hand, but I am the Plan B that you cannot account for. I am the Plan B that will drag your ass around that ring, and do you know what is going to happen?”

“Your eyes are going to be opened, and you will be humbled. See you are going to have an epiphany. You are going to realize that I am just about as good as I say that I am. You are going to realize that maybe just maybe you should of paid attention to the new guy. See this little tit for tat, where superstars attack me on my own Superstar page, while it is very entertaining it doesn’t get the job done.”

“At the end of the day you are going to have to reach down deep and ask yourself how much do you want it. See with a will like mine it is indominable. See I know that I have the gumption, I know I have the pride, and I know that I have the want to reach down deep and win this Leap of Faith match. See but there’s a difference, a sort of caveat to that last statement. I’m not going to make a stupid statement like nobody else in this match, wants to win it, but I will say that nobody in this match HAS THE WILL TO TAKE IT FROM ME.”

“Understand that I have said before that I am a shit stirrer, understand that I have said before that I am a disruptor. Understand that I am an agent of chaos. So you can hold off on all the coronations, you can hold off on your supposed plans that you think that you have, and more importantly you can hold off on thinking, THINKING, that you have a chance in this match. And it’s not because of the fact that I am bragging, it’s not even because I am thinking that this match is going to be a breeze, I am telling you this because I am pissed off. I’m annoyed because anger drives me….it makes it easier to retaliate. “

“I want nothing more….and literally listen to me when I tell you this. I WANT NOTHING MORE THAN FOR YOU TO BRING YOUR VERY BEST. I want you to show me just how much you want to win this match. Because you see I feed off the RAW guttural emotion. The more and more that you build yourself up, the more and more I will do everything to jump over you. I will do everything to step over you. See this isn’t bragging like I have said before this is what must happen.”

“There IS NO LOSING THIS MATCH FOR ME. I NEED THIS MATCH MORE THAN ANTHNG IN THE WORLD. Because if I WIN THIS MATCH, I will have done In a few short weeks, what it has took some of you years to do……and that’s be relevant. At the end of the day when it is all said and done and that smoke has cleared, and I am standing above the ring with the briefcase, I want you to remember that Destiny favors the bold…..and there is nobody that is bolder than Gage Gannon. At the end of the day, you are going to have to ask yourself, why didn’t I listen to Gage Gannon, when he said that he was going to rewrite destiny…..could you have done something different? And the answer goes all the way back to what I tried to tell you in the beginning. Everybody always has a plan…..until they get punched in the face.”

[Image: OMX9IA3.jpg]
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